Exercises & workouts

Alternating Benchpress top support
GHD medball sit-up
Russian Kettlebell Swing 15 reps
Sled Squat
Floor press dumbbells
Single arm dumbbell renegade row
2-pos Clean, Floor + Mid-hang
Bottoms up front squat
Low hang Power Clean and Jerk
Three Point DB Row
Reverse Snatch
Alternating DB Benchpress
Kettlebell deadlift 15 reps
Kettlebell Snatch
Upright row with kettlebell
Staggered stance deadlift
Snatch with pause at knee
Farmers Walk 20m
Single arm Renegade Row on kettlebells
Elevator Press
D-ball to box
Single arm dumbbell floor press
Alternating DB snatch
Strict Muscle-up Weighted
2-pos Clean, Low Hang + Mid Hang
Incline Benchpress
Single arm dumbbell front rack carry 10m
Front rack kettlebell carry 15m