Muscle-up endurance #2

Ett program för dig som har ca 5 muscle-ups och vill komma upp i 10 muscle-upsområdet!
Fyra veckor, muscle-ups 3 gånger per vecka. Dina händer kommer bli sura, dina triceps och pecs enorma och du ett steg närmare ditt mål.

Merged into Relentless Trainer

All the good stuff from this program has moved into the Ai-Revolution, Relentless Trainer


Smarter coaching closer to you

Relentless Trainer constantly adapt the training sessions based on:

How you feel

Daily readiness, abilities, sleep, limitations, previous workouts.

Where you are

Daily readiness, abilities, sleep, limitations, previous workouts.

What you like

At home, at the gym or at a hotel. Add locations & available equipment..

Time & schedule

Goals, interest, favorite movements, mobility and custom sessions..

Connected apps & devices

Fitness trackers such as Garmin, Apple Health, Strava, Fitbit etc..


Shareable training sessions and a rich inspiring community.

Du kanske gillar

Revive 1.0

The Great Wall Of Handsta...

Strict HSPU Two

Strict HSPU One
