Skills released

Since January we have been working on creating a progression package for a bunch of skills ranging from pull-ups to muscle-ups. There are more in the pipeline coming out in just a week. From Snatch to Shoulder press! I am myself overseeing the Pistol progression and David is creating a Double Under progression. There are loads of good stuff coming. Can’t wait to have it all live.

You find them on your profile page, look 

This is a peek on John’s user. You might notice that he has added an event goal? Well yeah we have added 5k & 10k run as event goals. It’s been a process of months and now it’s here just in time for summer!

We will also add running as “interest” and we are looking into how to schedule those sessions on specific days. Often you’ll want to be on the track or in the woods and is hard to combine with a gym setting.


Make your move.

Beat your beast.

Break your box.

Changing to a healthier lifestyle isn’t about going to the gym a few times; it is about building healthy daily habits and a mindset that helps you stay the course even when life gets rough.

We know that consistency is key, and we provide the tools you need to reach the level of fitness that you have always been capable of reaching.

You will crush your imaginary boundaries by just showing up and doing the work.

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