Max your CrossFit Open 24.1 performance with Scott Panchik

Alright 24.1 is a classic format of 21-15-9 of Dumbbell Snatches and Lateral burpees. 180 reps in total.

About +70% of the time on the workout will be spent on the Burpees so the money should be on them. Let’s break it down.


– Make a chalk mark where you will be putting your hands and the dumbbell so you end up with the feet in line with the dumbbell on every rep.

– If you step up, try to stay low and use the outer leg on every rep if you have the coordination and flexibility.

– Even though both feet must be in the air a two foot take off or landing is not required. Watch Kristin Holtes performance.

Dumbbell Snatches

– The most important part is to stay relaxed and breath through these. If you aim for a top performance then you need to pull it downward as well.

Some analysis and goal setting

We figure that the top scores will be around 6 minutes for both male and females.

The 99th percentile is typically at 85% capacity from the top which makes the top 1% time around 7 minutes.

The 75th percentile is typically at 70% of the top performances so a time sub 9 minutes might be expected here. Especially true given that the movements have very low complexity ie anyone can do it.


You are participating and might have a goal to complete it under the timecap.

– Divide each movement in sets of 2-3 with 7-10s on the clock rest in between.

– Step the burpees both down and up. 

Intermediates 75th percentile

– Rest briefly in the top on the snatches and make this movement the resting portion of the workout.

– Step up the burpees.

– Keep moving at all costs

99th percentile

– Stay composed on the 21 round, the burpees should feel easy on the second 21 round.

– Push it on the 15 round

– Pull the DB to the floor

– Draw energy from your community on the round of 9 and finish strong


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