Machine Triathlon

This program is made for anyone that wants to master the three most popular conditioning machines and can spend 2-4 sessions per week in becoming a total badass.

Working on three modalities is more fun than working on only one since it brings more variation but still is so specific that you will improve on technical aspects. 

Attached to the program are skill training on the rower, ski-erg and assault bike. Seriously some of the best skill advice you can get out there and if you follow the drills these machines will become the fun in your other mixed modal activities aka CrossFit. I always like when the rower appears for instance since I love rowing.

A total of 21 sessions to make you the badass you deserve. Each session takes approx 45-60 mins to complete from the time you enter the training floor.

Are you ready to test out Machine Triathlon?

Merged into Relentless Trainer

All the good stuff from this program has moved into the Ai-Revolution, Relentless Trainer


Smarter coaching closer to you

Relentless Trainer constantly adapt the training sessions based on:

How you feel

Daily readiness, abilities, sleep, limitations, previous workouts.

Where you are

Daily readiness, abilities, sleep, limitations, previous workouts.

What you like

At home, at the gym or at a hotel. Add locations & available equipment..

Time & schedule

Goals, interest, favorite movements, mobility and custom sessions..

Connected apps & devices

Fitness trackers such as Garmin, Apple Health, Strava, Fitbit etc..


Shareable training sessions and a rich inspiring community.

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